Integrated Treatment Plan
Powerful treatment planning tool Create your own Goals, Objectives & Interventions

Treatment Plans
THERASOFT® Online Treatment plans are designed for therapists providing treatment to develop a plan that the client and the therapist agree on and accept to maximize the benefits of the treatment. Some insurance companies require a treatment plan be developed and signed by the client and the therapist before they will approve any claims. The treatment plan builds on the information collected during the Clinical Assessment process and continues to map out a road to successful treatment for the client.
The counselor starts developing the treatment plan by selecting a problem from a drop down list. Based on the selected problem, the system presents the counselor with a short list of relevant goals. Based on the selected Problems and goal, the system presents the counselor with a list of relevant objectives and Interventions. After selecting the Objectives and interventions, the counselor is able to add additional criteria to the selected text.
The system provides for three Problems with corresponding goals, objectives and interventions. Once the problems are defined, the counselor can record the diagnosis based on standard DSM IV Axis I through V values. The system then continues to guide the counselor thru recording transition criteria and emergency contact information followed by information required for the signature section. Finally the counselor can print the entire treatment plan including the last page with space to record signatures.
The system allows the counselor to document multiple treatment plans per client and maintains a history of all the treatment plans recorded.